1½ cups

Open Burners
Our open burners are available as singles or doubles.
Rated at 24,000 BTU standard per burner with a 7 to 1 turn down ratio. Standing pilot with thermocouple safety, manual ignition.
Instantly removable burners are mounted over water bath for easiest cleaning.

French Tops
Our cast iron french tops are available in three widths, 700,800 & 900mm. all are 550mm front to back.
Rated at 38,000 BTU standard with a 7 to 1 turn down ratio. Standing pilot with thermocouple safety, manual ignition.
Temperatures up to 900F at the center, linear drop towards edges.

Our electrically heated steel planchas are available in multiple sizes and in smooth, ribbed or chrome finish .
Ranging from 3 to 6kW depending on size. Water channel around the cooking surface and clean-out drawer for easy cleaning.
Temperatures up to 500F at the center, linear drop towards edges for versatility.